sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Fotos: Dictadores del mundo aterrorizados por la tecnología.

Hugo Chávez un dictador que no duda en usar la tecnología para el mal. Vive aterrorizado que descubran el fraude electoral y sus nexos con los gobiernos terroristas y forajidos del mundo como lo demuestran las pruebas incautadas en computadores y laptops. Aquí lo vemos aterrorizado por la tecnología a la sombra del Libertador de Venezuela.

So, there’s a perfectly logical explanation why Kim Jong-Il has not been seen in public for months – he’s halfway up his curtains in his inner sanctum, cornered by a terrifying piece of white plastic about three inches long and an inch and a half wide.

Such a tiny wee thing ….. but capable of putting the wind right up the most noxious of dictators. Gaddafi is so terrified of these little white critters, he’s ordered their extermination throughout Libya.

The posters seen here were the idea of the International Society for Human Rights, a humanitarian civil society movement based in Germany who support those who fight for the implementation of human rights in their countries by non-violent means, or people who are persecuted because they demand their rights. They used the Frankfurt firm of Ogilvy & Mather to realize the concept.

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